From gallstones and hernias to varicose veins and digestive problems, our Spire experts provide insight and knowledge for a range of health conditions.
Iron is essential for almost every aspect of your health. This is because it is a critical part of your blood, which contains haemoglobin.
Read moreHeartburn is a common condition and refers to a burning sensation in your upper chest, specifically, behind or just below your breastbone.
Read morePiles, also known as haemorrhoids, are swellings that develop inside your back passage (rectum) or around your bottom (anus).
Read moreWhen David found out he had a hernia, he was worried what this meant for his love of boxing.
View videoGallstones are a fairly common condition that affects an estimated one in 10 adults in the UK.
Read moreRectal bleeding refers to passing blood through your back passage (rectum).
Read moreAllergic rhinitis (hay fever) affects around one in four UK adults and is becoming increasingly common.
Read moreMr Youssef says if you suffer pain or other symptoms from your hernia, he recommends you have it surgically repaired.
View videoEvery year around 20 million people worldwide undergo surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, revealing just how common inguinal hernias are.
Read moreAround a quarter of the population in the UK will experience chronic (long-term) pain at some point in their lives.
Read moreBurping refers to the release of excess gas through the mouth. It happens because every time we talk or swallow, we are swallowing air.
Read moreAnal discharge refers to the release of fluids, usually pus, mucus or blood, from your back passage (anus).
Read moreAround 40% of the UK population experiences indigestion every year.
Read moreYour ability to smell and taste are closely linked as taste and smell information are carried to the same part of your brain.
Read moreNipple discharge refers to fluid that leaks out of the nipple when you are not breastfeeding.
Read moreLupus is a long-term (chronic) autoimmune condition, which means your body mistakenly attacks your healthy cells.
Read moreHay fever affects around one quarter of all UK adults, making it one of the most common immune conditions,
Read moreFeeling tired is fairly common and can be caused by lots of different things, such as working too much or staying up too late.
Read moreThe digestive system breaks down the food you eat, allowing your body to absorb the energy and nutrients it contains.
Read moreA gastroscopy is a procedure to examine the inside of your gullet, stomach and the first part of your small intestine.
Read moreAn ingrown toenail happens when the edge of your toenail grows down into the surrounding skin.
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