Health hub topics

Our health professionals are experts in their field, with a plethora of knowledge that can help you get back to good health and living a healthier lifestyle.

Spire's Health hub provides trusted information and offers advice on topics ranging from preparing for, and recovering from surgery, to nutrition, exercise tips and much more.

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The effects of fast food on your body and health

Regularly eating lots of fast food can have both short and long-term effects on your physical health.

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Five ways counselling can help your wellbeing

Talking therapy can help improve your mental health and emotional wellbeing – as well as your physical health.

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Mental health

Diet and lifestyle: six tips to reduce your risk of cancer

There are over 350,000 cases of cancer each year in the UK and one in two people will develop some form of it during their lifetime.

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Prostate cancer: from symptoms to robotic-assisted prostate surgery

Around one in eight men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, making it currently the most common cancer diagnosis in the UK.

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Men’s health

Carpal tunnel syndrome and surgery FAQs

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in the wrist and, in some cases, can cause significant discomfort and weakness.

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Bones and joints

Ask the expert: what is cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a medical emergency where the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body.

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Heart health

Heart failure: symptoms, treatments and outcomes

Over one million people in the UK  have heart failure with around 200,000 people diagnosed each year.

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Heart health

Take the age-related macular degeneration eye test

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in the UK but many people are unaware of the signs.

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Vision and eye health

How to protect your hearing as you get older

Your hearing declines with age, with children able to hear sounds at higher frequencies than adults

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Ear, nose and throat

Everything you need to know about vaginal thrush

Vaginal thrush is a very common condition affecting around three-quarters of women at some point during their lifetime.

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Women's health

Ask the expert: what are fibroids?

Fibroids, also known as uterine fibroids, affect around one in five women in the UK aged between 30 and 50.

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Women's health

Hernia surgery: when you need it, how it has changed and what to expect

Over 120,000 hernia operations are performed every year in the UK, making it the most common surgery nationwide.

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Men’s health

How stress affects your body and what you can do about it

Stress is a state of emotional tension and is your body’s response to situations that put you under pressure.

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Mental health

What you need to know about postnatal depression

Postnatal depression refers to depression that occurs within one year of giving birth. It can also affect partners.

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Mental health

Your guide to exercising for better health

Regular exercise isn’t just for athletes and fitness fans, it is important for everyone at every age to maintain a healthy body and mind.

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Exercise and fitness

Why water is vital for your health and how to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated by drinking enough water every day is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Lifestyle management

Your guide to a healthy, balanced diet

Although a healthy diet varies from person to person, there are some basic components that your body needs.

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What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition that damages the brain and, therefore, is a neurodegenerative disease.

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Brain and nervous system

Balance problems: what causes poor balance?

Your ability to balance depends on many different factors.

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Ear, nose and throat

What you need to know about high cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is made by the liver and can also be found in the foods you eat.

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Heart health

High blood pressure: causes and symptoms explained

Many people don’t realise that they have high blood pressure, despite around a third of adults in the UK having it.

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Heart health

How to stop heavy periods

It can be hard to know if you have heavy periods, medically known as menorrhagia.

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Women's health

Seven tips for dealing with an enlarged prostate

An enlarged prostate isn’t usually serious, but it can be uncomfortable to live with.

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Men’s health

How swimming can help strengthen your joints

Exercise is great for your overall health but some types are better than others when it comes to protecting and strengthening your joints.

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Bones and joints
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