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Our health professionals are experts in their field, with a plethora of knowledge that can help you get back to good health and living a healthier lifestyle.

Spire's Health hub provides trusted information and offers advice on topics ranging from preparing for, and recovering from surgery, to nutrition, exercise tips and much more.

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Four reasons for period pain

Period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is a very common symptom in women during their reproductive years.

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Women's health

Life after breast cancer surgery

After breast cancer treatment, you'll continue to be monitored and remain under the care of your cancer team for at least five years.

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How stress affects your health and wellbeing

Stress is something most people face at some time in their lives.

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Men’s health

Hair loss in women: causes and treatments

It’s normal to lose some hair every day.

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Women's health

The top five exercises for over 50s

Keeping active and exercising regularly can help you stay independent and energetic as you get older.

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Bones and joints

What you need to know about allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) affects around one in four UK adults and is becoming increasingly common.

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General health

Hernia repair surgery: procedure, benefits, risks and recovery

Mr Youssef says if you suffer pain or other symptoms from your hernia, he recommends you have it surgically repaired.

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General health

Inguinal hernia FAQs

Every year around 20 million people worldwide undergo surgery to repair an inguinal hernia, revealing just how common inguinal hernias are.

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General health

What is chronic pain and how is it treated?

Around a quarter of the population in the UK will experience chronic (long-term) pain at some point in their lives.

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General health

Optician, optometrist and ophthalmologist: what’s the difference?

Most people will be familiar with their local optometrist and optician, though fewer will have interacted with an ophthalmologist.

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Vision and eye health

Lens replacement surgery: an effective solution for age-related long-sightedness

As we get older, our vision changes and it becomes harder to focus on near objects.

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Vision and eye health

Five reasons you may be sweating a lot

Sweating is your body’s way of cooling down. You may sweat after exercise or when the weather is warm.

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Men’s health

Burping: why we do it and what can go wrong

Burping refers to the release of excess gas through the mouth. It happens because every time we talk or swallow, we are swallowing air.

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General health

Robotic-assisted knee surgery: patient journey

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Professor Pradhan details the patient pathway journey for surgery using advanced robotic surgical assistant.

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Bones and joints

Ask the expert: what is Dupuytren's contracture? 

Dupuytren's contracture refers to thickening of the tissue underneath the skin of the palm and/or fingers.

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Bones and joints

Arthritis in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options

Around one in every 1,000 children in the UK has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). This type of arthritis first occurs in those aged u...

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Children's health

10 foods that are good for your eyes

A healthy diet can be a great way to take care of your eyes.

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Vision and eye health

How to stop heavy periods

It can be hard to know if you have heavy periods, medically known as menorrhagia.

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Women's health

Male hair loss: seven things you should know

Hair loss is something most men would prefer to avoid, but if it’s happening to you, you’re far from alone.

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Men’s health

What to expect after a vasectomy

Around 11,000 vasectomies are performed in the UK every year. A vasectomy refers to surgical sterilisation for men.

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Men’s health

What causes anal (rectal) discharge?

Anal discharge refers to the release of fluids, usually pus, mucus or blood, from your back passage (anus).

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General health

Five common indigestion myths dispelled

Around 40% of the UK population experiences indigestion every year.

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General health

What you need to know about ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that grow on the ovaries, and are very common in women before menopause.

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Women's health

Ask the expert: what is age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

Almost two million people in the UK live with sight loss, with around 360,000 registered as blind or partially sighted.

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Vision and eye health
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