Mr Ziali Sivardeen

Mr Ziali Sivardeen

Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon

BM BS, BMed Sci, AFRCS, FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Specialises in

  • Shoulder surgery
  • Knee surgery
  • Rotator cuff repair

I am an Orthopaedic Surgeon and have been fortunate enough to see elite level athletes, Royal family, world cup winners, and celebrities during my career.

During the London 2012 Olympics, I worked at the Olympic Athlete’s Village and had the honour of being selected as the surgeon who operated on all Olympians and ParaOlympians that required shoulder or elbow surgery during the Games. Due to this role, I was invited to a special reception in Buckingham Palace.

I have helped manage many athletes with knee problems, including those linked to Premiership football clubs. I have also treated many sports people with ACL injuries, cartilage and meniscal tears.

I have held important positions training other surgeons, representing the prestigious Royal Colleges of Surgeons, first as a tutor (from 2010-2014), before being appointed as one of two Regional Surgical Advisors for London. In 2015, I organised the pan London Sports and Exercise Medicine teaching programme, and am now an examiner for the Prestigious Intercollegiate Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS exams). I was a member of the Specialist Training Committee for Sports and Exercise Medicine Trainees in London from 2009 to 2015 and played an important part in helping to develop this new speciality.

My research interests include orthopaedic shoulder and knee problems (including sports injuries in elite rugby players). I had in excess of 70 presentations accepted at prestigious national and international meetings by 2012. At the World Shoulder and Elbow Meeting (ISCES) in 2010, my research was the only piece from the UK that was short-listed for the best prize and I was invited to give an educational talk to other surgeons from around world at the next World Shoulder and Elbow Meeting (ISCES) held in Japan in 2013.

I am one of the few Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons in the UK trained by three Presidents of National Orthopaedic Societies at Fellowship Level and have a passion for teaching and training. I have run many London Sports Injury Symposia and have been invited around the world to deliver lectures and master classes teaching other surgeons, consultants and practitioners.


General Medical Council Number: 4146070

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Ziali Sivardeen at Spire include:


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Additional information

Elbow surgery
Knee surgery
Shoulder surgery
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury
Sports and exercise medicine
Sports medicine

BM BS, BMED SCI / Nottingham University / 1994
Bachelor of Medical Sciences

Professional memberships

British Elbow and Shoulder Society (BESS)

British Association of Surgery of the Knee

British Orthopaedic Association

Professional leadership

Examiner Intercollegiate Exam for Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Trauma and Orthopaedics (2015- )
Royal College Regional Representative for London (2014-)
Royal College of Surgeons Tutor (2010-2014)
Consultant in Charge of the London/Oxford and Cambridge Sports and Exercise Medicine Teaching Programme (2015)

Telephone 0208 709 7817
Private secretary Umm or Khalid
Private secretary telephone 0203 633 2288
Private secretary email