Mr David Snow

Mr David Snow

Consultant ENT Surgeon


Specialises in

  • Ear pinning (pinnaplasty)
  • Hearing loss
  • Septoplasty surgery/ sinus surgery
  • Laryngoscopy investigation/ tonsillectomy for adults
  • Nose job or nose reshaping

My particular interests are otology (the ear and its diseases), including the non-surgical management of imbalance and the surgery of facial skin tumours.

I graduated from Birmingham University in 1984 and have widespread experience in the field of otolaryngology, gained from training in both the Midlands and New Zealand.

I am involved in specialist training and am an examiner for The Royal College of Surgeons. I find this aspect of his work to be both fulfilling and varied. I am also interested in the medico legal aspects of his specialty and as an expert witness has undertaken specific training to support this.

General Medical Council Number: 2942470

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr David Snow at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Balance clinics
  • Dizziness
  • Implantable hearing aids
  • Otology imbalance
  • Surgery for facial skin cancer

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Additional information

Ear, nose and throat
Balance disorders
Hearing loss
Sinus surgery
Voice disorders

Consultant ENT Surgeon, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

I grew up near Wrexham in the village of Rossett. I was educated in Chester and returning to work in Wrexham was a boost to my personal life that was unexpected.

I live with my wife and young family near Overton on Dee and thoroughly enjoy the beautiful borderland countryside that I live in.