My data

All questions

  • For patients requesting data in addition to medical records

    Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you have the right to access your personal data as you are entitled to be informed of any information Spire Healthcare is processing about you, and subject to certain exemptions and as far as reasonably practical to receive a copy of that information. Such requests to Spire Healthcare must be made in writing and whenever possible using the application form detailed in the sections below, satisfying the conditions required (eg. providing proof of identification).

    Spire Healthcare is not permitted to disclose any information which identifies another person unless that person agrees or if it is reasonable to override refusal of consent. If you think that the information you want identifies someone else, you may wish to obtain written permission for the release of their information and enclose it with your completed application form.

    If you are requesting the personal information of another individual person on their behalf, you will be required to provide us with satisfactory proof that you have the individual’s authority to act on their behalf.

    Please complete the subject access request form if you require medical records plus any other personal data or if you are only requesting personal data that is not medical records.

    Make a subject access request