The Reflux Clinic at Spire Manchester Hospital

A dedicated team of experts working together to create a personalised treatment plan for relief of your reflux symptoms.

Every patient’s case is uniquely reviewed by all three of our experts, who can support patients from diagnostics, medical treatment and diet and lifestyle changes, through to non-surgical treatment and potentially minimally invasive daycase surgery.

‘Innovation in Care’ - LaingBuisson Awards 2021 shortlist

Spire Manchester Hospital is delighted to be shortlisted at the 2021 LaingBuisson Awards under the ‘Innovation in Care’ category for our Reflux Clinic.

Becoming a finalist for such a prestigious accolade means a great deal to us; it recognises that our multi-faceted approach in treating patients with reflux symptoms prioritises superlative care, with different specialties collaborating to share their expertise.

Our Reflux Clinic team comprises an ENT surgeon, a gastroenterologist and a general surgeon – so patients can be assured that they are in safe hands.

Types of reflux

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is frequent acid reflux and heartburn.

GORD is a chronic (long-term) condition involving frequent acid reflux - stomach acid escaping into your oesophagus (food pipe) and flowing towards your mouth, which irritates the lining of your gullet.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is caused by acid reflux from the stomach, giving rise to a number of throat related symptoms. These can include hoarse voice, throat clearing and a feeling of something stuck in the throat. There is often an overlap between LPR and GORD.

How can I tell if I have reflux?

Common symptoms can include:

  • Heartburn – often after eating or at night
  • Indigestion
  • Regurgitation of food
  • Sore throat or a sour taste at the back of your mouth
  • Hoarse voice
  • Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing
  • Throat clearing
  • Feeling of something stuck in the throat

What causes reflux?

GORD and LPR often occur for no obvious reason, although it can be made worse by certain foods and drinks, smoking and some medications. It can also be due to other reasons such as pregnancy, obesity, a hiatus hernia or connective tissue conditions. Some people may notice that they are experiencing an increase in GORD after undergoing weight loss surgery (post sleeve gastrectomy surgery). 

Lifestyle changes and medication

Lifestyle changes such as avoiding certain food and drinks that trigger your symptoms, as well as eating earlier in the evening can help relieve GORD.

Over the counter antacids medications may also help. However, if these are unsuccessful and your symptoms are severe, our specialists may suggest you need medical tests, treatment or surgery. 

Diagnosis and treatment options

There are a number of diagnostic tests which will help your consultant decide what treatment option is best for you:

  • Gastroscopy – a procedure where a thin, flexible tube called an endoscope is used to look inside the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and first part of the small intestine (duodenum). It's also sometimes referred to as an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
  • Manometry – a test to measure the strength and function of your oesophagus providing information about how the muscles in your throat and oesophagus work, as food and liquids pass from the mouth to the stomach. A small flexible tube is placed into your nose and into your oesophagus for around 20 minutes, while the test is completed
  • Bravo pH study – a miniature pH capsule that is attached to your gullet a few centimetres above the junction where your gullet joins your stomach (gastro-oesophageal junction). The capsule will measure for 48-96 hours and transmit this information to a pager sized receiver worn on your belt or waistband
  • Nasoendoscopy – a procedure where a small flexible endoscope is passed through the nose to examine the throat (pharynx and larynx). This can be carried out in the outpatient clinic

Meet the team

Our team include:

The Reflux Clinic team

Watch our reflux consultants and clinic co-ordinator talk about your visit and what to expect

Non-surgical treatments

The Stretta procedure is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure using radiofrequency energy, to help significantly reduce acid reflux symptoms. The procedure takes approximately an hour and is usually carried out as a daycase procedure (meaning you will be in and out of hospital on the same day).

Surgical treatment

LINX system

One of the surgical options for GORD is the LINX® device implant. This is where a ring of magnetic beads is placed between the stomach and the gullet, helping to stop heartburn and acid reflux. LINX is implanted during a minimally invasive laparoscopic (keyhole) procedure.

Over 25,000 LINX®reflux surgical procedures have now been performed worldwide. There are only a limited number of centres in the UK that offer the surgery with Spire Manchester Hospital being one of them.

This type of surgery is proven to be effective for patients - 5 years after LINX® surgery, 85% of patients no longer need to take regular antacid medications.


RefluxStop™ is another surgical option for reflux.

Refluxstop™ is a medical device designed to restore and maintain the oesophagus in its natural position. This allows the valve between to the stomach and oesophagus to work properly and stop reflux.

RefluxStop™ is a device made from medical grade silicon. It works differently to other anti-reflux procedures because it does not put pressure on the oesophagus. Instead, it restores the normal pressure around the sphincter by increasing and maintaining the intra-abdominal length of the oesophagus which in turn allows the valve to work properly.

Why choose the Reflux Clinic at Spire Manchester Hospital?

  • Our team of experts work together to identify the main cause of your reflux symptoms, producing an individual treatment plan for each patient
  • We offer a range of diagnostic tests and innovative treatment options to optimise long-term symptom control
  • Rated as 'Outstanding' by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Spire Manchester Hospital provides world-class expertise using some of the latest diagnostic and treatment technologies

Pete - a patient of the Reflux Clinic, November 2020

For the best part of two decades, I have suffered with acid reflux daily.  The symptoms that presented themselves were heartburn and a sticky clear fluid in my mouth and throat. To begin with, I was prescribed proton pump inhibitor (PPI) tablets, which controlled the symptoms without any side effects. However, I soon relied on the tablets every day, which didn’t suit me personally due to certain side effects. As time passed by and I became more and more uncomfortable, I began to think about surgical options.

One in particular caught my eye: the LINX procedure. After conducting my own thorough research, it was clear that if this was the direction I was going in, I had to find a consultant surgeon who had extensive experience.

My LINX surgery journey

In August 2020, I spoke to Paul Goldsmith, a General Surgeon at Spire Manchester Hospital who carries out the LINX procedure. It was clear that Mr Goldsmith would only recommend and carry out surgery if it was likely to be effective for me. I was sent for various preliminary examinations to see if I was a good candidate for this surgery. I genuinely felt the process was a collaboration between a very knowledgeable and forward-thinking consultant and myself.

Later in the year, I went to Spire Manchester for my surgery. The hospital was great, and I felt as relaxed as I possibly could do during a pandemic.

“Quite simply, the LINX surgery has been exceptional”  

The surgery was a great success. I couldn’t have asked for a more impressive result. After nearly two decades of suffering from reflux, I was told after the operation to stop taking my PPI tablets. Quite simply, it has been exceptional. It was like someone turned off a tap; I haven’t had proper reflux since the operation. I went back to work just under three weeks after the procedure.

By my fourth week post-surgery, I was eating pretty much any type of food. Nearly nine weeks’ post-operation, my swallowing issues continued to subside, and bloating had eased. I started light exercise again without issue.

I am extremely happy to be completely reflux free. The operation offers a very real and less invasive option compared to others.

My top tip would be to find yourself an experienced consultant, as I was lucky enough to do.

Meet Marcus - our Reflux Clinic Co-ordinator

Our dedicated Reflux Clinic Co-ordinator, Marcus is here to support you from the moment you first get in touch and throughout your journey with us.

How to book

To book a consultation, complete the enquiry form below or call 0161 447 6650.

We offer easy booking and flexible appointment times to suit you so you don’t have to wait to get the treatment you need.

Choose Spire Manchester Hospital if you live in Greater Manchester or nearby, including Stockport, Cheshire or Altrincham.

Get in touch

Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Manchester Hospital.


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