Ms Julie Newman

Sports Therapist and Massage Therapist


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I am a Sports Therapist and Massage Therapist, passionate about helping individuals achieve their best physical state. My journey began in July 2002 when I earned an Advanced Diploma in Sports Therapy and became a member of the International Institute of Sports Therapists. Since then, I've had the privilege of working alongside physiotherapists at a college football academy and a local rugby club. My role involved managing injuries sustained during matches or training sessions and providing pre and post-match massages, which greatly enhanced my confidence and practical skills.

In April 2004, I furthered my expertise by obtaining a BTEC Diploma in Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy through The London School of Sports Massage. This led to my current position at Spire Parkway, where I work closely with the Physiotherapy team. Here, I offer clinical massage treatments to patients undergoing physiotherapy and also see clients who self-refer for massage therapy.

My primary focus is on alleviating muscle spasm, tension, and tightness, aiding in increased joint mobility, enhancing muscle flexibility, and providing relief for sore, tired, or aching muscles. Additionally, my skills in clinical massage are beneficial in post-surgery recovery, particularly in reducing joint swelling. I am dedicated to supporting each patient's unique path to recovery and overall well-being.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Ms Julie Newman at Spire include:


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Important information about Covid-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Parkway Hospital.


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