Rafaelo procedure at Spire Manchester

A virtually painless way to treat piles - perfect for those with busy lives.

Suffering from piles?

Haemorrhoids (or piles as they are commonly known) are generally an unspoken curse from which many of us suffer, but are too embarrassed to discuss with our loved ones, let alone our GP. They are enlarged vascular ‘cushions’ just inside or around the bottom (anus and lower rectum).

They’re very common; it’s been estimated that up to 50% of the population may suffer from symptomatic haemorrhoids at some point in their lives*.

How are haemorrhoids caused?

  • Constipation, resulting in excessive straining on the toilet
  • Being overweight or obese, increasing pressure on the vascular system in general
  • Age, where the body’s supporting tissues weaken, increasing haemorrhoid risk
  • Pregnancy, creating increased pressure on the pelvic blood vessels
  • Poor diet through insufficient fibre
  • Regularly lifting heavy objects
  • A persistent cough or repeated vomiting
  • Sitting down for long periods of time
  • Family history

Rafaelo procedure available at Spire Manchester Hospital

After more than 3 years of development with over 2,000 patients successfully treated across Europe and outstanding results, we’re delighted to announce Spire Manchester Hospital is now offering the Rafaelo procedure.

Using the safe and established technology of radio frequency ablation, the Rafaelo procedure can be performed on a walk-in, walk-out basis unless a general anaesthetic or sedation is required.

In most cases you can return to your normal daily activities straight away after treatment, rather than needing weeks to recover. With minimal post-operative pain, your symptoms should improve almost immediately.


  • Day-case procedure
  • Local anaesthetic**
  • Minimal post-operative pain and care
  • Can be used to treat all grades of internal haemorrhoids
  • Quick return to daily activities

Meet the consultants

Call us on 0161 447 6700

For more information or to book an appointment with Mr Stylianides or Mr Kushwaha.

Send an enquiry

*Source: Haemorrhoids: diagnosis and management. Am Surg 75 (8): 635–42.

** General anaesthetic or sedation may be required, the most appropriate option will be discussed in your consultation