Dr Nidal Ghaoui

Dr Nidal Ghaoui

Consultant Gynaecologist


My clinical experience includes management of postmenopausal bleeding, vulval disorders including preneoplastic lesion, ovarian masses and cysts and the management of gynaecological cancer.

My special interests include complex advanced ovarian cancer surgery, I also have extensive experience in the treatment of cervical cancer including major fertility conserving surgery (trachelectomy).

In addition to my experience in open and 3D laparoscopic surgery, I am a fully trained and experienced Robotic Surgeon.

I completed my medical training and education in 1999 followed by speciality training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In 2005 I was awarded a fellowship in Gynae-oncology. I have been practising as a specialist Consultant in Gynae-oncology since 2007.

In 2012 I was appointed as consultant in Gynae-oncology in NHS Fife were I established a cancer unit as part of the Scottish South East Gynaecological Cancer Network (SCAN). In 2018 I transferred employment to NHS Lothian where currently I am the clinical lead for the speciality. I hold a regional role as Clinical Lead for South Scotland Cancer Network for Gynae oncology.

I am a published Author and a member of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology.


Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Nidal Ghaoui at Spire include:

Other treatments

  • Hysteroscopy and biopsy procedure
  • Ovarian disease
  • Robotic surgery
  • Vulval pathology

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Additional information

Gynaecological cancer
Gynaecology and/or obstetrics

Professional memberships





Consultant Gynaecologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh