One-stop skin lesion removal clinic

Book an appointment today - no referral required

At Spire Dunedin Hospital, we now are able to offer a one-stop skin lesion removal clinic where you are able to have a consultation and procedure to remove a skin lesion all in one visit. Minor skin lesions include a range of conditions such as cysts, warts or skin tags. Most skin lesions don't cause serious problems however you may want to have them removed for practical or appearance reasons.

The technique that your Consultant will use to remove your skin lesion will depend on factors such as its size and where it is on your body. Your Consultant will advise you on which method is most appropriate for you.

Techniques to remove a skin lesion include:

  • Some lesions can be shaved down to the level of the surrounding skin. Your consultant may use a surgical blade to do this.
  • Your consultant can remove skin tags with surgical scissors.
  • Certain lesions are cut out entirely and your consultant will close the wound with stitches (these may be dissolvable) or skin glue.
  • Some skin lesions may also be frozen off with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) or treated with creams.

Your consultant will apply a dressing to the wound, if necessary, but some wounds heal better if they are left uncovered.

What happens on the day?

ON the day of your appointment you will have an initial consultation with the Consultant surgeon. Your Consultant will go over the information you provided to our Client Information Team and go through the procedure and potential risks.

Following your consultation, you will go with a nurse and Consultant to the Outpatient treatment room for your procedure. The procedure will usually last no more than 30 minutes.

Please note that due to the nature of the clinic, you may experience a short wait for your appointment.

After the procedure

After a local anaesthetic, it may take several hours before the feeling comes back to the affected area. Take special care not to bump or knock the area. You will usually be able to go home when you feel ready. It is advisable not to drive after local anaesthesia as it can, though rarely, cause dizziness.

Your Consultant or nurse will give you some advice about caring for your healing wound before you go home. You will be discharged with a leaflet explaining who to contact if you have any concerns.

Your family doctor or our nurse can remove any dissolvable stitches after your procedure. Usually, this is after about seven days, if the stitches are on your face, and 10 to 14 days if they are on another part of your body. The length of time any dissolvable stitches will take to disappear depends on what type you have. However, for most skin lesion removal procedures, they should usually disappear in about two to four weeks.

Your consultant may send the lesion to the laboratory for tests. You are normally informed of the results through a letter from your Consultant, a copy of which will also be sent to your GP. On some occasions, a biopsy result may show some abnormalities. If this does happen your Consultant will ask to see you to explain the results and the next course of action.

We look forward to welcoming you to Spire Dunedin Hospital. In the meantime, if you have any questions that are not covered in this booklet, please call us.


The all-inclusive cost to attend the one-stop skin lesion removal clinic ranges from £250 – £695, dependent upon the number and types of lesions.

Removal of lesions (up to three) £550
Removal of lesions (four to six) £695
Cryotherapy (up to ten without any other procedure) £250
Skin tags (any number without another procedure) £250

If your consultant advises against removing the skin lesion you will not be charged and you will be advised on further treatment options available here at Spire Dunedin Hospital.

Call us on 0118 955 3563

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