Mr Simon Ellis

Mr Simon Ellis

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

MA (Cantab), MBBS (London), FRCS (Orth)

"I am really enjoying working with the hospital and find the whole environment is very friendly which is a great asset."

Specialises in

  • Knee replacement
  • Knee ligament surgery
  • Knee arthroscopy surgery
  • Sports injury

I was born in 1960 in Newcastle, Staffordshire. I attended Newcastle-under-Lyme High School for boys before studying medicine at St John's College Cambridge.

Whilst at Cambridge, I studied medical ethics and law as my final year elective. I transferred to Charing Cross Hospital in London for my clinical studies and was awarded my medical degree in June 1985 followed by a Master of Arts degree in 1988.

After obtaining my surgical fellowship, I completed my orthopaedic training in December 1996; this included 15 months at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital where I was supervised by Neil Thomas, past president of the Knee Society, and a two-year period as senior registrar at the Royal United Hospital in Bath.

I have invested considerable time in the study of knee surgery, in particular maintaining a keen interest in the development of soft tissue knee surgery. An invitation to the Stryker Arthroscopic International Forum and a tour of America led me to exploring the frontiers of arthroscopic knee surgery and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and the decision to concentrate purely on knee surgery.

I introduced the accelerated rehabilitation in anterior cruciate ligament to Kent which resulted in many sportsmen and women being able to return to training within three to four months of surgery.

My interest in knee arthritis has resulted in me leading the implementation of the Depuy Attune knee replacement in Kent - a recent addition to joint replacement which appears to give improved patient satisfaction. I also follow the up to date guidelines of the enhanced recovery programme.

In addition, I have been asked to lecture on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction at international meetings and regularly lecture to general practitioners as well as allied healthcare professionals.

I am a member of the British Orthopaedic Association as well as the South East Knee Study Group who meet regularly to discuss difficult knee cases where I benefit from the shared knowledge of my knee specialist colleagues.

I regularly attend both national and international knee specialty meetings to keep abreast of new innovations.

I was appointed consultant to Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust which I commenced at the end of December 1996. Initially I was appointed as a general trauma and orthopaedic surgeon; however with time, I made the conscious decision to specialise in knee surgery.

I left the NHS in 2016 but continue to treat NHS patients at Spire Alexandra via my regular NHS patient choice e-referral clinics and the Choose & Book scheme.


General Medical Council Number: 3109191

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Simon Ellis at Spire include:


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Additional information

Knee surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Soft tissue injury
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injury

Outside work Simon is interested in photography and computer technology which he harnesses in his medical practice using voice activated dictation and maintaining fully secure electronic records. Simon also enjoys cycling, classical music and travelling. Simon has two children, Timothy, a professional pianist and horn player, and Jemima, a graduate from the London University School of Arts with a degree in advertising and media.

Simon Ellis is Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee at Spire Alexandra Hospital. Their role is to provide senior professional advice to the Hospital Director and Director of Clinical Services in order to support effective medical governance and oversight. They are paid £14,000 per annum for this role and are also entitled to receive the following fees for the provision of additional ad hoc services: (i) £750 for chairing a Professional Review Committee; (ii) £200 per hour for attendance at regulatory or other national body meeting (capped at £500); (iii) £500 for each annual medical appraisal undertaken for a doctor designating to Spire for the purposes of revalidation; (iv) £1,000 per annum for undertaking the role of governance lead in addition to MAC Chair; and (v) £200 per hour for the preparation of an independent report (up to a maximum of £500 per report unless otherwise agreed due to complexity) upon request by the Medical Director or Chief Medical Officer.
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Private secretary Jackie
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