
Vigilance in detecting neck and head cancer

26 September 2018

Head and neck cancers, although not common, often go undetected. Ear, Nose and Throat consultant, Mr Andrew Moore, from The Montefiore Hospital in Hove, says it’s time to become more vigilant to improve patient outcomes.

Vigilance in detecting neck and head cancer

Men Urged To Talk About Women’s Cancers

18 September 2018

Over 21,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every year* but awareness of symptoms is still very poor according to leading cancer charities. Now, as part of Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, which runs throughout September, campaigners are calling on people to open up and discuss the subject – and they mean men as well as women.

Men Urged To Talk About Women’s Cancers

Survey Shows We Are Still ‘In The Dark’ Over Common Conditions

13 September 2018

Results of a new survey carried out for The Urology Foundation (TUF), has revealed that 70% of people in the UK do not know from which age a man should be tested for prostate cancer and that only one in five men aged 18-24 have checked their testicles for lumps in the last year! Now, as part of Urology Awareness Month, which runs throughout September, TUF is hoping to increasing knowledge and awareness about various conditions while also focusing on prevention, treatment and management.

Survey Shows We Are Still ‘In The Dark’ Over Common Conditions