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  • Dr Raj Bhatt

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  • Dr Piotr Buczkowski

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Sanjay Dhiran

    • Spinal surgery including keyhole surgery
    • Degenerative spine disorders
    • Sciatica and disc problems
    • Injections for management of spinal pain
    • Sees adults only at Spire Leicester Hospital

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Dr Waji Hassan

    • Inflammatory arthritis
    • Neck and back pain
    • Connective tissue disorders eg Lupus
    • Osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia
    • Dr Hassan sees adults only at Spire Leicester Hospital

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Dr Imran Khan

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  • Dr Veena Patel

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