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  • Mr Khalid J Drabu

    • Hip surgery
    • Knee surgery
    • Sports injuries
    • Sees adults only at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Mohamed Elalfy

    • Cataract surgery
    • Age-related macular degeneration treatment
    • Laser eye treatment
    • Eyelid cyst surgery
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  • Dr Jess Felton

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Mansoor Foroughi

    • Back pain and neck pain
    • Brain tumours
    • Spinal surgery
    • Degenerative spine
    • Sees adults only at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Richard Freeman

    • Keyhole bunion surgery
    • Foot and ankle surgery
    • Sports and soft tissue injuries
    • Ligament and tendon reconstruction
    • Osteoarthritis

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Dr Nandkumar Gandhi

    • General cardiology
    • Arrhythmias
    • Heart failure
    • Pacemakers and defibrillators
    • Electrophysiology

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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