Mr Gaurav Kumar

Mr Gaurav Kumar

ENT Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon

MBBS, MS (ENT), FRCS (Ed), FRCS (ORL-HNS), Diploma in Hospital Finance

"Spire has always been at the forefront of providing high quality care to patients. It is an honour to be associated with Spire."

Specialises in

  • Hearing loss
  • Sinus surgery
  • Ear drum and ear perforation repair
  • Children's ENT conditions
  • Voice disorders

I am a revered and internationally respected ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon with a full remit of expertise for both complex and restorative adult and paediatric, ENT conditions.

I have over 20 years of experience treating children with various ENT conditions including; tonsillitis, glue ear, sleep apnoea and nasal obstruction. I also offer the new coblation tonsil procedure, which is less painful and helps in quicker recovery. I am the preferred choice ENT surgeon for parents.

My significant experience also includes performing more than 500 cases of cholesteatoma, LASER in-ear surgery which minimises discomfort and facilitates a faster recovery. 

Ensuring that all patients are afforded time, care and understanding for their medical problems, I am patient and prefer to personally address all queries from patients and their families. This facilitates a scenario of trust and confidence where patients feel in control and confident of their care and treatment.

I have performed more than 1,000 ear surgery procedures including ear drum perforation repair with no facial palsy complications. Other specific procedures include stapes surgery for patients with otosclerosis. I have pioneered the use of Narrow Band Imaging in cholesteatoma surgery.

After specialised training in the UK, I was awarded a Fellowship (FRCS) from the Royal College of Surgeons and have also completed a postgraduate training course in India for my master’s degree. I regularly publish results from international and UK research. I am a frequent lecturer on the worldwide stage.

Further to advanced training from a leading London teaching hospital, I perform complex nose (including rhinoplasty) procedures. I take referrals for patients having symptoms with nasal obstruction and sinus symptoms. I offer advanced day case procedures for these patients, which includes endoscopic sinus surgery and balloon sinuplasty.

Following advanced training from University College London, I am also a specialist for voice and swallowing disorders. Having revised tracheostomy guidelines for the NHS Trust, I am a tutor for the ‘Front and Neck Access Course’ and also introduced the ‘Airway Alert Pathway’ concept. 

I am Clinical Lead for ear, nose, throat services and paediatric surgery for the surgical division at Barking Havering Redbridge NHS Trust.


General Medical Council Number: 5189526

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Gaurav Kumar at Spire include:

Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)

Paediatrics - ENT

Other treatments

For adults:

  • Ear perforation repair
  • Ear wax
  • Dizziness
  • Mastoid surgery for ear infection
  • Minimally invasive endoscopic ear surgery
  • Parotid surgery
  • Sleep apnoea procedure
  • Swallowing problems
  • Voice problem

For children:

  • Eardrum repair
  • Neck lumps
  • Preauricular sinus
  • Thyroglossal cyst

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Hartswood Hospital.


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Additional information

Balance disorders
Ear, nose and throat
Head and neck pathology
Head and neck surgery
Hearing loss
Non-surgical cosmetic treatment
Non-surgical procedures
Paediatric otolaryngology
Sinus surgery
Sleep disorders
Thyroid surgery
Voice disorders

FRCS( Ed), FRCS (ORL-HNS) / Royal College Of Surgeons / 2013
Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons

Professional memberships

British Association of Otorhinolaryngologists (ENT UK)

British Medical Association (BMA)

British Society of Otology (BSO)

European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS)

Medical Defence Union (MDU)

General Medical Council (GMC)

Difficult Airway Society (DAS)

Barking Havering Redbridge NHS Trust.

I enjoy spending time with family and travelling with friends.