Dr Shrilla Banerjee

Consultant Cardiologist


"I enjoy working with the fantastic team at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital - superb!"

Specialises in

  • Chest pain
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart disease in women
  • Hypertension and arrhythmia
  • Interventional cardiology

I specialise in coronary artery disease and its treatment with stents. I have a particular interest in aviation cardiology. I am also interested in general cardiology including hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias and women's cardiac health.

To date I have performed over 2,500 coronary stenting procedures and well in excess of 7,000 coronary angiograms over nearly 15 years of NHS and private practice. I am also involved in the heart attack out-of-hours on-call service at St Thomas's Hospital, London.

I was appointed as a Consultant in Interventional Cardiology at East Surrey Hospital in 2004. I also have an interest in Aviation and am a Consultant Advisor to the Civil Aviation Authority.

I am the Lead for Education within my Department at East Surrey Hospital. I also have a huge interest in education and am an elected member of the Education Committee for the British Cardiovascular Society and am on Faculty for many national cardiological and interventional cardiological meetings.

I am an elected member of the Education Committee of the British Cardiovascular Society. In addition I am a Consultant Advisor to the Civil Aviation Authority.


General Medical Council Number: 4017015

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Dr Shrilla Banerjee at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Aviation cardiology for Civil Aviation Assessments

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital.


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Additional information

Arrhythmia (Electrophysiology)
Atrial fibrillation
Coronary artery disease
Interventional cardiology
Paediatric cardiology
Stroke prevention
Vascular medicine

Special clinical interests: Chest pain, maternal cardiac health, women and heart disease.

FRCP / University of Birmingham / 1993
Fellow of the Royal College of Physician

MB ChB / University of Birmingham / 1993
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery
MBChB is the basic medical degree.

MD / University of Birmingham / 1993
Doctorate of Medicine

Professional memberships

British Cardiovascular Society (Education Committee - elected member)

British Cardiovascular Interventional Society

Consultant Advisor to the Civil Aviation Authority

Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (London)

Professional leadership

I am an elected member of the Education Committee for the British Cardiovascular Society and also Lead for Education within the Department of Cardiology at East Surrey Hospital.
I am a Consultant Advisor to the Civil Aviation Authority

Swanton's Cardiology by RH Swanton and S Banerjee - Textbook of Cardiology 2008

Media Coverage

Heart Disease - Portion Distortion - The Telegraph 2007

Consultant Cardiologist, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children, and as a family we generally spend most of our spare time watching or playing sport. I run 5K, two to three times per week and take a yoga class another two to three times so life is pretty hectic. We enjoy skiing and watersports as a family.

Recently I have started painting and use a number of different media including charcoal, pen and ink, watercolour and acrylics.