Mr Hugh Jewsbury

Mr Hugh Jewsbury

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

BSc, BM, FRCOphth

Specialises in

  • Cataracts
  • Squints
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Paediatric ophthalmology

I am a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. I specialise in cataracts, strabismus (squints), neuro-ophthalmology, paediatric ophthalmology and laser eye surgery.

I graduated from Southampton University in 2006, obtaining a distinction in my medical degree and a first class honours degree in Biomedical Sciences. I completed my general medical training in Bath.

I have specialised in ophthalmology for 11 years and undertook my general training in Wales, obtaining the award of Senior Trainee of The Year, across all medical specialties in 2013.

I completed a world renowned fellowship (super-specialist training) in neuro-ophthalmology, paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.

I am actively involved in both national and international research focused on neuro-ophthalmology and strabismus. I train specialist registrars in cataract and strabismus (squint) surgery.

In addition to my clinical work I am proud to be an Honorary Lecturer for the School of Medicine at Cardiff University.


General Medical Council Number: 6135185

Treatment information

Some of the principal treatments carried out by Mr Hugh Jewsbury at Spire include:


Other treatments

  • Botulinum toxin
  • Laser eye surgery (Peripheral Iridotomy)
  • Paediatric ophthalmic surgery
  • Refractive lens exchange surgery
  • Strabismus (squint) surgery

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Important information about COVID-19 tests

COVID-19 testing or antibody tests are not available as a standalone service at Spire Cardiff Hospital.


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Additional information

Cataract surgery
Paediatric ophthalmology
Paediatric ophthalmology
Squint surgery

University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff.

No financial interest at Spire Cardiff Hospital.
Telephone 0292 073 5515
Private secretary Ceri Rawle