Raising concerns

Our most important consideration is the safety and welfare of our patients.

Whether you're an employee, a consultant working in a Spire Healthcare facility, or a member of the public, we want to know as soon as possible about any concerns you have about our facilities or anyone working in them.

We’ll investigate your concern thoroughly and openly and will explain, apologise where appropriate and take action to improve. If you’d like to get in touch email concerns@spirehealthcare.com.

We hope that you’ll feel comfortable raising your concern openly, but we also appreciate that you may want to do so confidentially. Please be aware that there are circumstances where we may be required to disclose your identity either by law or in the wider public interest, for example, in circumstances where there are safeguarding concerns, alleged fraud, or an issue which requires investigation by an external authority, such as the police.

You can choose to raise your concern anonymously, without giving anyone your name, but that may make it more difficult for us to investigate thoroughly and give you feedback on the outcome.

Please refer to Complaints and feedback for more information.