I am thrilled with the outcome and haven’t looked back on my decision once.

Jenni Grace

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Breast enlargement and liposuction: Jenni’s story

Jenni, now aged 51, had considered breast augmentation surgery in her twenties, but ended up dismissing the idea when her partner at the time discouraged her from going ahead.

She says, “I was always unhappy with my A cup size, and after splitting with my partner, decided to go for it, as it was what I wanted.” 

Owning a busy medi-spa, Jenni had a working relationship with Spire Portsmouth Hospital and explains: “I wouldn’t have considered going anywhere else as I know how professional they are. I think people often make their decision based on adverts in glossy magazines or high profile names, but that is not the most important factor when considering a surgeon or hospital.” 

Jenni saw Mr Nicholas Bennett at Spire Portsmouth Hospital and she discussed the look she wanted to achieve in her first consultation. She explains, “I was 80 per cent sure about what I wanted but was guided by my surgeon, as he is the expert. I’d decided I would like an hourglass figure but wanted to ensure I wouldn’t look silly.”

To achieve her desired hourglass figure, it was recommended Jenni also have liposuction to her buttocks and outer thighs. This was done at the same time as her breast augmentation. 

Talking about her breast implants, Jenni says: “I did have some concerns about how big to go so my consultant encouraged me to try bras with different sized implants, to get a feel for what I preferred.”

Post-procedure, Jenni says: “I haven’t changed, I just feel more confident, especially when it comes to wearing certain clothes such as swimwear and eveningwear.”

Jenni explains that having realistic expectations is important when considering cosmetic surgery. “Surgery won’t necessarily change your life. It can improve certain aspects and make you more confident, but you have to have realistic expectations. Saying that, I am thrilled with the outcome and haven’t looked back on my decision once.”

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