Women told ‘you are not alone’ - weak bladders are a common problem

20 February 2018

It is a subject that most women would prefer to keep quiet about – but female incontinence is treatable and experts at Spire Roding Hospital say it shouldn’t be suffered in silence!
“If women did discuss it with friends they would find they are certainly not alone,” said Consultant Urologist Mrs Sarah Hussain.
“Research shows that 25 to 45 percent of women have some degree of urinary incontinence (UI) at some time in their lives,” said Mrs Hussain.
“In fact, twice as many women than men experience UI and when you consider things like pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause, as well as the structure of the female urinary tract, it isn’t hard to see why.”
Mrs Hussain added: “The subject is much more discussed nowadays than it was in the past but most women still put up with the problem for a long time before going to see their GP and starting along the treatment pathway.
“Yet, in so many cases, the solution is a fairly simple one. We undertake urodynamic assessments and biofeedback to establish exactly how the patient’s bladder is functioning. Sometimes it can be treated by effective pelvic floor exercises, behavioural changes, bladder retraining and medication.
“If you are one of the women who has to cross their knees and rush to the toilet, injections of Botox into the bladder might be a minimally invasive option to stop the problem. Many patients find that their life is transformed without the need for frequent trips to the toilet and embarrassing mishaps."
For further information about treatments available visit: https://www.spirehealthcare.com/spire-roding-hospital/treatments/
Mrs Sarah Hussain Private Clinic times are:
  • Wednesdays 8.30am - 11am
  • Saturdays 9.15am - 12.30pm
Please call our friendly private patient team to book your appointment 020 8709 7817 or enquire here.

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