It is truly amazing the difference it has made to my life - I didn’t realise how bad my eyes were.

Jill Ransom - Spire Leicester Hospital

Cataract surgery: Jill's story

I have known Mr Chaudhuri since 2009 through the wonderful care he has taken of my husband who had complications from a torn retina in his right eye which would have resulted in him losing his sight but for the pure dedication of Mr Chaudhuri.  My husband continues to be monitored on a regular basis and had a cataract removed in his left eye last year.

I knew I had a problem with my eyesight and most particularly with my left eye.  I was coping with it and kept meaning to get my eyes re-tested but something else would always take precedence and I didn’t get around to it.  I noticed however last year (2017) that I was struggling at work on the computer.  As I spend a lot of time typing reports, my eyes can get very tired and not being able to see properly was making it more difficult.  Then unfortunately from the summer onwards, my husband wasn’t very well and was undergoing several hospital visits for scans and tests.  Also later in the year Mr Chaudhuri removed a cataract from his left eye.  All this put my problems to one side.

However, earlier this year I did get my eyes tested and was shocked to find out that I had a dense cataract in the left eye and I was unable to read anything on the eye chart. My husband immediately contacted Mr Chaudhuri’s office and I got an appointment to see him a few days later.

Mr Chaudhuri is a very polite, quietly spoken gentleman and whilst he was surprised as to how I had managed for so long with the cataract, he didn’t pass judgement.  I was feeling overwhelmed by the situation and it felt strange for me to be the patient after all these years instead of my husband, but Mr Chaudhuri’s confidence and calmness had the same effect on me and I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from me.

Mr Chaudhuri decided that I should have a toric lens as I have an astigmatism and the operation was undertaken a few weeks later to remove the cataract.  It was more difficult than first thought as the cataract was so dense and took longer to complete but thanks to Mr Chaudhuri’s determination, the operation was a success.  I had a follow up consultation a few days later and I cannot express my delight and disbelief as to how wonderfully and clearly I could now see.  It is truly amazing the difference it has made to my life I didn’t realise how bad my eyes were.  Working on the computer is so much easier now and I don’t always need glasses to read.  In the past I always had good distance vision although latterly of course, this was not the case - but to be able to see everything so clearly again is just incredible!  It is a wonderful feeling.  Later on this year I am having an operation on my right eye as unfortunately this too has a cataract (though not nearly as bad as the other one) and I have every confidence in Mr Chaudhuri and trust him completely.

Mr Chaudhuri is constantly looking at new techniques and he travels around the world to work with the best surgeons.  This enables him to gain the experience and knowledge to continue to make people’s lives better.  He is a truly dedicated professional who clearly loves his work; he makes everyone feel special and from a personal point of view, I cannot thank him enough for turning my life around  - and for simply just caring.