Jason Marsden - minimally invasive back surgery

Jason Marsden, 39, from Woodlesford, Leeds had minimally invasive back surgery (intralaminar dynamic stabilisation) in August 2012 under the care of consultant neurosurgeon, Mr Deb Pal.

After 19 years of debilitating back pain, Jason Marsden got his life back thanks to a new development within an existing treatment.

Jason 39, says he knew his surgery had been successful just five minutes after waking up, following a procedure to treat the debilitating back pain he had suffered for nearly two decades. Yet just a few months ago Jason says he could not imagine a life without constant pain.

“The relief was instant,” says Jason, a mortgage services adviser for HSBC in Leeds. “I knew immediately that there was nothing touching the nerve any more. I was so happy, I cannot describe how good it felt,” said Jason, who lives in Woodlesford, near Leeds.

Jason said the problem started with a road traffic accident 19 years ago, in which he was a passenger. It resulted in debilitating back pain and with his legs giving way at times when he would collapse on the floor. Five years later he was involved in a second road traffic accident, which exacerbated his condition.

He tried many treatments over the years, including numerous sessions of physiotherapy, spinal injections and prescription painkillers, which provided short-term relief but did not afford any lasting benefit. Jason was left in constant pain and struggling to cope. “Nothing fixed the problem it was just masking the pain,” he said.

This summer, a visit to a GP put him on the path to recovery. Jason was then referred to Mr Deb Pal, a consultant neurosurgeon at Spire Leeds Hospital who performed the ‘Intralaminar Dynamic Stabilisation’ procedure in August this year. “I did not want to expose Jason to any more major surgery, such as spinal fusion, which would often be offered for this type of condition, as I felt it would not be the best option for him,” said Mr Pal. “The procedure I suggested to Jason is relatively minimally invasive, quick and involved minimal risks.”

An MRI scan before surgery showed severe wear and signal tear changes in the vertebral bodies of the spine and the disc.

The surgery involved creating room for the trapped nerve roots on both sides of the back, followed by placement of a soft silicone spacer to maintain the increased space while stabilizing the spine and maintaining its motion. Mr Pal said the procedure is a new development within an existing procedure. “This particular spinal spacer is softer, which allows it to be positioned deeper unlike other spacers and provides excellent distraction of the nerves.” he said.

Mr Pal added, “Jason was discharged following an overnight stay in the hospital. Given that he has suffered from the symptoms for almost two decades, I am delighted with the improvement in his back pain so far.”

Jason is undergoing regular physiotherapy sessions and getting his life back on track. He is looking forward to setting a date to marry his fiancé, Janice, to returning to work and to getting back on his beloved Harley motorbike, which he stopped riding eight years ago as the pain worsened. Five weeks after his surgery he said, “I cannot thank Mr Pal enough. After years of suffering, even though it’s early days, I feel unbelievably better. It’s great not to be in so much pain anymore.”