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  • Mr Chris Jack

    • Knee replacement
    • Knee arthroscopy
    • Hip replacement surgery
    • Hip arthroscopy

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Dr Sunila Jog

    • Paediatric immunology, infectious diseases & allergy
    • Neonatal medicine
    • Paediatric respiratory medicine
    • Paediatric rheumatology

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Miss Varajini Joganathan

    • Eyelid disorders
    • Cysts, lesions and eyelid cancer
    • Dry eye and watery eye
    • Thyroid eye disease
    • Eye socket disease
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  • Mr Huw Jones

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  • Mr Billy Jowett

    • Bunion removal and treatment
    • Ingrown toenail
    • Joint pain treatment (injections)
    • Ankle surgery
    • Foot surgery

    Also available for:

    Virtual consultations:

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  • Mr Jamie Kelly

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